Geomorphology and Land-use Dynamics (GLD)

From National Science Foundation (NSF)

The U.S. National Science Foundation is an independent federal agency that supports science and engineering in all 50 states and U.S. territories. NSF was established in 1950 by Congress to promote the progress of science, advance the national health, prosperity and welfare, and secure the national defense.

Type of Support


The GLD Program is dedicated to supporting innovative and fundamental research into the natural processes that shape the earth's landscapes throughout the Holocene. It emphasizes research that explores the interaction and feedback among processes, their pace, and importance, with a particular focus on the influence of biological, climatic, and tectonic factors, as well as the impact of human activities. The program is open to various methodologies, including fieldwork, modeling, experimentation, and theoretical work. Moreover, GLD places a significant emphasis on promoting diversity and inclusion within the scientific community. It aims to increase participation from women, persons with disabilities, underrepresented minorities, and individuals from geographically underrepresented areas in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). The initiative also encourages proposals that involve veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces, aligning with broader efforts to engage veterans in STEM research and education.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
not specified


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