Interfacial Engineering

From National Science Foundation (NSF)

The U.S. National Science Foundation is an independent federal agency that supports science and engineering in all 50 states and U.S. territories. NSF was established in 1950 by Congress to promote the progress of science, advance the national health, prosperity and welfare, and secure the national defense.

Type of Support


The Interfacial Engineering program aims to fund fundamental research focused on atomic- and molecular-scale interfacial phenomena. Its objectives are to enhance the understanding and engineering of interfacial properties, processes, and materials significant to chemical and biochemical processes. The program seeks proposals that offer innovative solutions to longstanding challenges or new research areas and technologies. Key areas of interest include chemical separations, biological separations, interfacial phenomena at engineered interfaces and surfaces, and nanoconfinement and engineered surfaces. The grant encourages collaborative efforts that integrate experimentation with theory or modeling. Proposals should highlight the project's novelty, its importance to engineering science, and its potential societal or industrial impact. The program also supports the Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) program, with a special interest in projects that can translate fundamental research into practical applications. Proposals for Conferences, Workshops, and specific grants like Rapid Response Research (RAPID), EArly-concept Grants for Exploratory Research (EAGER), and Grant Opportunities for Academic Liaison with Industry (GOALI) are welcome and encouraged to be discussed with the Program Director before submission.


Organization's Location
do labore
Program Location
Organization Type
Adipisicing qui commodo sint cupidatat
Consectetur esse pariatur
Fugiat exercitation
Aliqua commodo anim tempor
Tempor sint
Reprehenderit esse
Consectetur occaecat laborum
  • consequat et fugiat et tempor dolor amet aliquip esse nulla sint
  • ea est sit sit voluptate laborum cillum incididunt irure mollit consequat fugiat eiusmod magna laboris ipsum anim
  • anim aute esse dolore officia laboris est in nulla Lorem esse ullamco sint
  • eu aliqua Lorem deserunt culpa excepteur voluptate est veniam adipisicing veniam non excepteur excepteur pariatur quis laboris sint adipisicing aliquip laborum id commodo qui consequat
  • est excepteur dolore laboris velit cupidatat cillum ullamco labore anim culpa anim sint sint reprehenderit aliqua sint aliquip cupidatat
  • laborum proident minim nostrud ullamco ex minim minim commodo non proident fugiat reprehenderit deserunt elit nisi consequat ipsum


Ad duis id ullamco fugiat labore
Tempor adipisicing mollit
up to 3.2M


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