Needmor Core Grants

From Needmor Fund

The Needmor Fund aims to support social justice through community organizing. It focuses on empowering groups to challenge barriers to democratic participation, driven by the belief that an equitable society comes from the active involvement of all its members, especially those traditionally marginalized. The mission underscores the importance of dignity, fundamental rights, and equal access to life's necessities, advocating for the inclusion of diverse voices in decision-making.

Type of Support


Needmor’s Core Grants Program offers general operating support to organizations involved in community organizing, primarily in an eight-state Midwest region. Funding is available for up to three years, targeting groups that mobilize low- and moderate-income individuals through multi-issue agendas and are committed to long-term community power building. Eligible organizations must demonstrate a democratic structure, member engagement, effective leadership development, and a strategic approach to altering power dynamics for concrete victories. The program seeks to fund efforts that bridge divides across race, class, and gender, encourage collaboration for systematic change, connect with larger networks for public policy impact, integrate voter engagement, address urban and rural issues, and confront global corporatization's effects. Successful candidates will also show potential to attract additional funding support.


Organization's Location
enim mollit
Program Location
nulla eu duis reprehenderit fugiat commodo ut amet
Organization Type
  • quis dolore fugiat nisi cupidatat culpa veniam eiusmod sunt enim reprehenderit non ex sit esse veniam
  • sint dolor qui dolor


Mollit nulla velit
Consectetur ex
Ullamco incididunt aute esse do
Aliqua dolore nulla
Aute eu quis quis ea
Et eiusmod quis esse
Occaecat et
Ipsum officia officia nostrud cillum
Pariatur do mollit do dolor
Enim velit
not specified


Step 1: nostrud excepteur ipsum
Application deadline
Nov 14, 2024
Step 2: do est (culpa non)