Nevada Conservation Education & Outreach Grant

From Nevada Division of Forestry

To protect and enhance Nevada's ecosystems and communities through natural resource stewardship and wildfire management.

Type of Support


The Conservation Education and Outreach Grant program provides funding to organizations designed to educate people of all ages about the United States' natural resources and the importance of conserving these resources. It focuses on delivering structured educational experiences and activities that cater to diverse age groups and populations, facilitating awareness of how natural resources and ecosystems interconnect and the importance of wise resource utilization.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
State and local agencies
Non-profit organizations
Educational institutions
  • Funding requests may not exceed $10,000 per application
  • Indirect costs may not exceed 10% of the total budget request
  • All qualifying applications will be evaluated upon receipt by NDF program staff
  • Given priority rankings
up to 10k


Visit Apply for more information.