Nevada Traditional Section 6 Grants

From Nevada Division of Forestry

To protect and enhance Nevada's ecosystems and communities through natural resource stewardship and wildfire management.

Type of Support


The broad goals of the Traditional Section 6 Grants are to support a range of activities aimed at conserving endangered or threatened species. These activities include the introduction of species into their historic habitats, enhancement or restoration of habitats, surveys and inventories of habitats, species status surveys, propagation of animals and plants, and genetic research to assess health and population structure. Additionally, the program emphasizes the importance of public education, outreach, and the monitoring of candidate, at-risk, and recently recovered species. The grant seeks to empower states and landowners through the provision of Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Funds to implement projects that contribute significantly to the conservation of species on non-federal lands.


Organization's Location
fugiat consequat
Program Location
Organization Type
not specified


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