Neil and Louise Tillotson Fund Dash Grants

From New Hampshire Charitable Foundation

The mission of the funder, while not explicitly detailed, centers around the restoration, protection, and enhancement of the Connecticut River watershed upstream of the confluence of the White River and Connecticut River. This involves caring for the river, wetlands, and shore lands within this specified area, which is influenced by the broader goal of environmental preservation and restoration, particularly in relation to the impacts of hydroelectric dams.

Type of Support


The Neil and Louise Tillotson Fund aims to support projects in Coös County, NH, and neighboring communities in the U.S. and Canada, focusing on sustainable community and economic development. The fund welcomes requests for projects benefiting Coös County and its surroundings, particularly those not exceeding a year (with possible extensions). Projects funded vary widely, from marketing materials for community events, sponsoring school trips, consulting support, to purchasing equipment. The Dash-grants program specifically offers rapid awards ranging from $250 to $2,000, open to organizations even if they've received prior awards from related programs. There are no application limits, but reconsideration is advised after multiple submissions for the same project.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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250 – 2k


Visit Apply for more information.