New York State Tribute Foundation Grants

From New York State Tribute Foundation

The New York State Tribute Foundation aims to advance understanding of death, dying, and bereavement through education, charity, and knowledge. It focuses on raising public awareness, supporting relevant research, enhancing educational activities, and promoting ethical practices within the funeral service profession. The Foundation emphasizes collaboration and community-based partnerships to share resources for policy planning and crisis management, aiming to foster modern interest in scientific and educational programs related to end-of-life matters.

Type of Support


The NYS Tribute Foundation grant program supports projects, research, and education aimed at better understanding death, dying, and bereavement. Priority areas guide funding decisions and include lecture series, research programs, conferences, educational materials, and professional scholarships. Grants target consumer education, scientific research, and the development of educational programming for funeral service professionals and allied human service fields. Specific grants support program operations, scholarships for aspiring funeral service professionals, seed money for new organizations, and research related to the Foundation's goals. Funding ranges from $500 to $15,000, with consideration for multi-year support for projects that significantly enhance understanding of end-of-life matters.


Organization's Location
ex ipsum
Program Location
Organization Type
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500 – 15k


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