Newman Foundation: Faith in Action Grant

From Newman Foundation

Newman Foundation, Inc. (NFI) aims to deepen and integrate spiritual, intellectual, and personal development through the Newman Apostolate across Kentucky. By providing financial support and initiated programs, NFI strives to promote, foster, and support parish-affiliated, community-active, and campus-recognized Newman groups within the Catholic Diocese of Lexington, the Archdiocese of Louisville, and the dioceses of Covington and Owensboro. Through outreach, the foundation commits to bringing Christ’s light to the community, supporting Catholic student ministry, and enhancing faith-building programs.

Type of Support


The Faith in Action Grant Program by Newman Foundation, Inc. supports Newman Centers and Diocesan-wide projects that align with NFI's mission by facilitating worship, fellowship, and service. Projects, events, or ideas that enable service, fellowship, or worship consistent with the foundation's goals are encouraged to apply. Grants typically are awarded up to $1,000, but larger projects needing additional funds may be considered by the Grants Committee.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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up to 1k


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