NextWorldNow (NWN) is committed to improving the well-being of community participants around the world through informed, personal collaboration leveraging technology and resources. NWN supports development projects with measurable social impact that are owned and sustained by the local community, aiming for a diverse portfolio to spread innovative solutions. As a nonprofit with 501(c) (3) status, their mission is to partner with communities by providing resources for locally led projects aimed at enhancing well-being, advocating for a world where every individual has access to essentials like clean water, food, housing, healthcare, education, and jobs.
The grant program focuses on underwriting projects that contribute to community well-being and peace-building initiatives. It supports a broad range of community development projects that require modest capital and are scalable. These projects should be locally owned, with measurable impacts on social returns and sustainability. The program values innovation, continuous direct engagement with the community, respect, optimism, leverage of resources for growth, accountability, efficiency, life affirmation, and enlightened compassion. Investments could be in the form of time, in-kind resources, and financial grants. Targeted areas include civic participation, education, environmental mediation, healthcare access, human rights, peace, shelter, food security, and sustainable livelihoods. NWN is interested in proposals from diverse geographic locations to address longstanding problems with new solutions, often partnering with like organizations to fulfill funding needs.
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