Nicholson Family Foundation Grant

From Nicholson Family Foundation

The Nicholson Family Foundation's mission is to champion organizations that create opportunities for local under-served youth in arts, education, and social services. Founded in 1996, it supports non-profit organizations from San Francisco to Santa Cruz in Northern California, aiming to make a meaningful impact with small grants. It emphasizes strengthening philanthropic involvement within communities through a multi-generational board that supports local under-served youth.

Type of Support


The Foundation's grant program is guided by principles aiming to learn about and work with new organizations, ensure grants are proportional to an organization's budget to create a larger impact, believe in operational support for non-profit organizations, and foster community relationships through an invitational multi-year grant program. This approach is designed to support the foundation's mission of assisting under-served youth in arts, education, and social services.


Organization's Location
id aute
Program Location
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Organization Type
Aute excepteur
  • elit cillum incididunt voluptate velit irure amet nulla laboris laborum labore sit
  • aliqua sunt proident id irure nisi non deserunt proident non aliqua dolore magna id dolor elit et quis sunt nisi tempor laboris reprehenderit sit ea cupidatat
up to 5k


Step 1: consequat veniam velit
Application deadline
Jan 19, 2025
Step 2: deserunt esse (commodo aute)