License to Give Trust Fund Grant: Fast Track Grants

From North Carolina Department of Administration

Enhance the lives of North Carolinians by providing foundational support to state government through asset management, advocacy and operations.

Type of Support


The Fast Track Grant Submission Program (FTGSP) is targeted to accommodate non-profit organizations seeking smaller grants for projects lasting less than 12 months or for funding a one-time event. Grants are awarded based on the project's relevance to enhancing education and awareness around organ and tissue donation and advance care planning within the state of North Carolina. The FTGSP facilitates non-profits in conducting activities that aim to bolster organ, tissue, and eye donation rates and to promote end-of-life planning that incorporates the consideration of organ and tissue donation. The maximum funding available for a FTGSP grant is $10,000.


Organization's Location
deserunt sint
Program Location
Organization Type
Aliquip ad
Adipisicing ipsum cupidatat
Veniam dolore
Ut occaecat
Enim officia laborum
Incididunt enim eiusmod sint excepteur excepteur
Quis mollit eiusmod
Anim nisi
Reprehenderit laboris
  • duis cupidatat aliqua sint ipsum
  • sint excepteur ut consectetur commodo fugiat Lorem fugiat ipsum dolore ullamco velit tempor
up to 10k


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