Fleetwood Memorial Foundation Grant

From North Texas Community Foundation

The Helen D. and R.E. Wallace Foundation Fund, under the North Texas Community Foundation, aims to extend financial support to organizations within Tarrant and Johnson Counties, primarily focusing on aiding the care of abused, injured, and abandoned animals, with an emphasis on dogs, cats, and horses. Additionally, it aims to promote equine-assisted therapy services, underscoring the foundation's commitment to improving the welfare and protection of animals.

Type of Support


The Fleetwood Memorial Foundation Fund aims to deliver immediate financial support to Texas families or personnel, specifically Texas Peace Officers and Texas Firefighters, who have been affected by injuries or fatalities in the line of duty. The grant program emphasizes alleviating immediate financial needs during the critical first eight weeks following an incident. Moreover, it extends its support to cover educational expenses for the retraining of injured personnel or their dependants aiming to complete their first undergraduate degree. Established in 1974 by Mr. W.I. Fleetwood to honor the service and sacrifice of first responders, the fund continues its legacy in partnership with the North Texas Community Foundation (NTCF), focusing exclusively on assisting first responders and their families during times of unprecedented need.


Organization's Location
aute sint
Program Location
Organization Type
Enim labore adipisicing duis quis commodo laborum labore labore aliquip velit mollit non
Magna nulla irure quis reprehenderit cupidatat nisi minim minim magna anim
  • ipsum laborum ad sit ea irure enim excepteur in anim nostrud proident
  • nulla do magna laboris in et ex veniam ullamco do amet ut tempor velit deserunt
  • labore nisi sint ea incididunt voluptate exercitation aliquip do eu aliquip aute proident
  • officia aliquip sit eu cillum dolor reprehenderit est nostrud excepteur tempor tempor minim aute consequat ad amet enim proident veniam
  • et ipsum excepteur ea exercitation proident nisi eiusmod laborum exercitation minim ea duis magna excepteur ex ullamco pariatur esse aliqua nostrud exercitation dolor reprehenderit sint ad irure
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Ullamco anim incididunt magna minim ullamco ut
not specified


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