The Northern Nut Growers Association, Inc. (NNGA) aims to unite individuals interested in the cultivation of nut trees. This includes a wide array of stakeholders such as experts in nut tree cultivation, farmers, both amateur and commercial growers, experiment station workers, horticultural teachers and scientists, nut tree breeders, nursery personnel, foresters, and those new to nut growing.
The NNGA research grants program is dedicated to supporting research on temperate zone tree nuts, with a history of including interests in papaws and persimmons. It targets a broad spectrum of research topics within this realm, including propagation, germplasm and cultivar evaluation, pest management and biology, mechanical harvesting, postharvest handling and processing, orchard establishment, care, and maintenance, marketing, basic biology and ecology, and foreign exchange, especially concerning germplasm. The program favors projects that are no more than two years in duration and doe not exceed a total NNGA contribution of $10,000. However, it is open to funding smaller scale projects and considering partial funding for larger scale projects with other sources covering the balance. All grant funds must be allocated towards the direct costs of the supported research.
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