Northfield Bank Foundation Grant

The Northfield Bank Foundation, established on November 7, 2007, aims to support not-for-profit groups, institutions, schools, and organizations within the communities served by Northfield Bank, which include Staten Island, Brooklyn, and Central New Jersey. Its mission focuses on funding projects that enhance education, health and human services, youth programs, and other community-oriented or civic-minded initiatives aimed at improving the quality of life.

Type of Support


The Northfield Bank Foundation's grant program is designed to support various causes that directly impact the quality of life in the communities it serves, including Staten Island, Brooklyn, and Central New Jersey. The broad goals of the grant include supporting education initiatives, health and human services, youth programs, and other community or civic projects. In essence, the foundation seeks to fund projects and organizations that have a tangible, positive effect on local communities, with an emphasis on those that improve education, health, and the overall well-being of residents.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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