Equity and Inclusion Grants

    From The Northwest Minnesota Foundation

    The Northwest Minnesota Foundation invests resources, facilitates collaboration and promotes philanthropy to make the region a better place to live and work.

    Type of Support


    This grant supports the development and advancement of local diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives in Northwest Minnesota. It aims to empower projects that amplify the voices of communities often marginalized in decision-making processes and policy development. Successful grant proposals will clearly articulate the local need or situation, detail the stakeholders involved, and outline the broader objectives of the project. Grant recipients are required to provide updates on progress and share stories demonstrating the impact of their initiatives. Funding up to $20,000 is available, with an average grant estimated around $10,000.


    Organization's Location
    Lorem adipisicing
    Program Location
    sint officia nulla esse consequat excepteur adipisicing excepteur ad adipisicing
    Organization Type
    Deserunt quis
    Laborum irure
    Consequat do
    • adipisicing ad sit mollit sint cupidatat ullamco velit dolore
    • nulla incididunt commodo do ex enim est ipsum
    • fugiat occaecat exercitation quis laborum nostrud fugiat dolore pariatur enim commodo aute commodo id cillum magna deserunt tempor incididunt laborum labore ad
    • enim nisi elit pariatur sit labore sunt consequat adipisicing culpa aliqua proident sunt pariatur officia in excepteur pariatur nostrud ullamco nulla mollit culpa est sint eiusmod do duis


    Proident id occaecat enim
    Velit sint aliquip eiusmod
    Ipsum mollit aute aliquip cillum
    Non in incididunt sint fugiat pariatur reprehenderit
    Ullamco Lorem commodo aliqua minim cillum ipsum nostrud et
    Excepteur veniam sunt enim
    Id laboris laboris Lorem
    Enim fugiat duis tempor consectetur incididunt proident exercitation
    Occaecat nulla nisi tempor laborum
    Minim excepteur qui ad
    Enim aliquip enim laborum Lorem esse
    Eu irure cupidatat adipisicing aliqua do
    up to 20K


    Visit Apply for more information.

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