Novo Nordisk Charitable Gifts

From Novo Nordisk USA

At Novo Nordisk, the mission revolves around placing the patient at the center of all endeavors, aiming to make a significant positive impact on people's lives. This is achieved through a commitment to support scientific and humanitarian causes, utilizing resources to build a healthier world via corporate giving, and supporting independent education programs.

Type of Support


The Novo Nordisk Community Health Collaborative™ grant program focuses on supporting community-based initiatives that improve health and wellness in urban areas, particularly near its U.S. offices in Trenton, New Jersey, and surrounding communities. This program emphasizes a holistic approach to addressing urban health challenges by focusing on two main areas: Healthy Lifestyle + Built Environment and Access to Healthy Foods. The grant program seeks to recognize the complex factors influencing urban health, advocate for sustainable and innovative health solutions, and provide practical and flexible guidance for developing impactful health initiatives in urban settings.


Organization's Location
proident in
Program Location
esse cillum fugiat id commodo laborum sit consequat labore cupidatat
Organization Type
Exercitation minim dolor sint proident duis
  • nostrud excepteur nisi ullamco deserunt consectetur dolor aliquip laboris laborum occaecat fugiat
not specified


Review Criteria

ullamco proident irure officia id reprehenderit incididunt mollit ea dolor cillum