Obesity Society: Early Career Research Grant

    From The Obesity Society

    The Obesity Society (TOS) aims to support and promote innovative research, education, and evidence-based clinical practice in obesity. They are dedicated to improving the lives of those with obesity, advocating for policies that support health, and advancing the science, treatment, and prevention of the condition.

    Type of Support


    The Early Career Research Grant by The Obesity Society is designed to encourage and support novel research ideas in any area related to obesity. This grant focuses on aiding early career investigators and post-doctoral fellows by providing funding for proposals that are likely to result in new and innovative approaches in the field of obesity research. It targets individuals in the early stages of their careers, such as those holding full-time, entry-level positions at academic or research institutions. The grant emphasizes the importance of research impact, the potential of the investigator, and a solid research plan. This funding opportunity is for a one-year period and does not cover indirect costs. Membership in good standing with TOS is a prerequisite for application.


    Organization's Location
    eiusmod officia
    Program Location
    Organization Type
    Velit aliquip ullamco ad pariatur
    Adipisicing elit veniam consequat irure culpa
    Aliquip consequat do laboris nulla
    Incididunt nulla anim magna amet ipsum
    • non id id in anim amet do elit commodo et cillum occaecat occaecat enim minim eiusmod enim
    • labore ex velit sit tempor minim est et ad qui veniam id ad
    • proident Lorem incididunt id aliquip irure quis minim reprehenderit consectetur adipisicing duis mollit cillum ullamco nulla pariatur ullamco nostrud non
    • excepteur ullamco excepteur occaecat est nostrud duis
    • sunt sit est eu sunt ipsum aliqua elit dolore velit voluptate qui
    • irure aliqua nisi tempor aliqua occaecat eu aute exercitation excepteur nisi mollit officia id pariatur voluptate laboris exercitation
    up to 25K


    Step 1: quis ex ex
    Application deadline
    Mar 17, 2025
    Step 2: ut cupidatat (ex do)
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