OEPA: Scrap Tire Grant

From Ohio Environmental Protection Agency

Ohio EPA establishes and enforces standards for air, water, waste management and cleanup of sites contaminated with hazardous substances. We also provide financial assistance to businesses and communities; environmental education programs for businesses and the public; and pollution prevention assistance to help businesses minimize their waste at the source.

Type of Support


The Ohio EPA's Scrap Tire Grant Program aims to support Ohio businesses, such as manufacturers, scrap tire recovery facilities, and material processors, by providing funding to create or expand scrap tire processing capacity and product manufacturing. The grant also supports local governments and nonprofits in projects that use ground tire rubber for beneficial purposes. To be eligible, businesses must partner with a government sponsor, and grant funds are reimbursed upon project completion. All projects require a 100 percent match from grantees and must be completed within 24 months. The grant program focuses on two main areas: equipment for scrap tire manufacturing and processing, and the use of scrap tires in civil engineering or construction projects, with a maximum grant request of $300,000 for each area.


Organization's Location
mollit ut
Program Location
Organization Type
Ea ullamco
Consequat eu ipsum non
Labore esse
  • dolor anim enim sunt reprehenderit eu
  • nisi cupidatat excepteur cupidatat proident nulla ipsum et fugiat dolor dolor consequat tempor minim reprehenderit sint occaecat voluptate enim laborum velit do sint consequat
  • ex dolore ullamco dolore fugiat ullamco


Nostrud Lorem est dolor aute velit quis culpa commodo mollit fugiat do ea
Deserunt consequat minim velit aliquip qui
Laborum tempor
Non exercitation cupidatat exercitation tempor ex
Amet cillum
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Anim ex
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Aute eiusmod ut
Incididunt amet aute sint irure anim
up to 300k


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