OAC Arts Learning in Communities - Small Grant Support

From Oklahoma Arts Council

The Oklahoma Arts Council leads, cultivates, and amplifies the transformative power of the arts for all Oklahomans and their communities.

Type of Support


Arts Learning in Communities grants aim to support arts education projects across all ages and abilities in Oklahoma, fostering community enrichment and personal development through arts instruction, classes, and workshops. Specifically, these grants target community-based arts learning programs benefiting children, older adults, and individuals with disabilities. New applicants must apply under the Small Grant Support category, eligible for two grants of up to $2500 each fiscal year, with a requirement of a 1:1 cash match (half may be in-kind). Applications must be submitted at least 60 days before the project starts.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations
Tribal governments
City and county governments
Public universities
Public libraries
Public schools
  • Funding for arts instruction, classes, and/or workshops for all ages
  • Examples of eligible projects include early childhood programs, summer and afterschool programs, prevention or intervention programs, and senior programs
  • Grant funds can be used for artist fees, administrative/personnel costs, supplies, and materials for the project


Religious organizations
State agencies
Projects involving fiscal agents
Arts instruction in schools during normal school hours
Projects that do not actively engage students in the art making process
Activities for which college credit is given
Activities that have a religious purpose
Activities not open to the general public
Capital expenditures (equipment and building improvements)
Prizes or awards
Fundraisers or benefits
up to 2.5k


Visit Apply for more information.