Environment Program: Nature Learning

    To encourage conservation and stewardship of the natural environment and to promote music and the arts in Maine. This foundation values efforts to reach rural and underserved populations, foster collaborations, include diverse perspectives, learn from field experts, increase access to opportunities, and apply practices to further social and racial equity.

    Type of Support


    The Nature Learning Grant, under the Environment Program, focuses on providing science-based nature learning opportunities for Maine residents. It aims to equip them with the necessary knowledge to tackle environmental and climate challenges within their communities. The grant primarily supports environment-mission nonprofit organizations that conduct impactful, nature-based educational programs for the youth. These programs are expected to be rich in outdoor and experiential learning, grounded in natural systems and science. High-quality, standards-aligned nature learning opportunities and the development of such programs in underserved areas of Maine are prioritized. Successful initiatives are those that offer robust curricula, emphasize experiential learning, result in an understanding of natural systems, are led by qualified educators, integrate into communities for continuous learning opportunities, focus on engaging specific group(s) through relevant partnerships, and demonstrate a commitment to equity and accessibility.


    Organization's Location
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    Program Location
    Organization Type
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    5K – 30K


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