The mission of OSI (Open Space Institute) is to partner with conservation organizations in the Northeast to create networks of protected lands that are most likely to preserve plant and animal diversity in a changing climate.
The Southern Cumberland Land Protection Fund was established to accelerate the conservation of forests on the Southern Cumberland Plateau that are most likely to support a diverse range of species as the climate changes. This fund is particularly focused on protecting high-priority lands that are crucial for species diversity and climate change adaptation, as identified in various conservation plans including OSI's own findings and State Wildlife Action Plans. The fund has been effective in safeguarding wildlife habitat and biodiversity, having protected over 30,000 acres across Tennessee, Georgia, and Alabama by 2018, through capital grants from the Lyndhurst and Benwood Foundations and the Merck Family Fund. These conservation efforts have not only helped in preserving the area's ecological richness but also in connecting and expanding habitats, facilitating species adaptation to climate change, and enhancing public access to outdoor recreational activities. Grants from this fund support the acquisition of large forest blocks for permanent conservation easements or fee purchases, with guidance on eligible areas provided by a specific map of the Southern Cumberland Plateau.
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