The funder's mission is focused on supporting the free expression of individuals, communities, and organizations facing digital emergencies or threats. They aim to provide both direct financial support and technical services to high-risk groups such as bloggers, cyber activists, journalists, and human rights defenders in a timely and comprehensive manner to resolve threats to their free expression.
The Internet Freedom Fund is geared towards projects that advance internet freedom globally. It backs technology development from prototype to deployment, research on censorship and digital threats, digital security efforts, and community events for collaboration and knowledge sharing. With funding amounts ranging from $10,000 to $900,000, it seeks to support projects that develop new or improve existing open-source circumvention technologies, conduct applied research to counteract censorship, enhance digital security practices, and foster community cooperation among internet freedom advocates. Ideal projects should focus on addressing challenges faced by those in repressive environments, improving the usability and accessibility of freedom-enhancing technologies, and strengthening the global community's ability to maintain a free and open internet.
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