Land Acquisition Technical Assistance (TA) Grant

From Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board (OWEB)

The Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board is a state agency that provides grants to help Oregonians take care of local streams, rivers, wetlands, and natural areas. Their mission is to help protect and restore healthy watersheds and natural habitats that support thriving communities and strong economies.

Type of Support


The Land Acquisition Technical Assistance grants by OWEB are designed to support planning and design work necessary for the restoration of converted and impaired tidal wetlands into their natural functioning states. These grants cater specifically to projects that aim to purchase lands with the intent of restoring tidal wetlands, with a focus on improving habitats for ESA-listed salmon and a wide range of species. A unique aspect of these grants is that they allow for a combined approach to planning and design in the application, diverging from the traditional separation of these elements in technical assistance grants. Furthermore, applicants can request up to $150,000 per application, with a total of $300,000 allocated for these projects biennially. The application process is distinct in its reliance on email submissions and its allowance for integrating both planning and design elements. This program underscores the importance of tidal wetlands in linking marine and terrestrial ecosystems, prioritizing the restoration of lands with natural estuarine functions that benefit priority species and communities.


Organization's Location
sit pariatur
Program Location
Organization Type
  • magna pariatur ad ad aute est excepteur laboris incididunt eiusmod ipsum magna ipsum cillum
  • Lorem deserunt quis in non pariatur amet fugiat sit laboris esse veniam sit laborum ipsum cupidatat ad do culpa aliqua non exercitation dolor
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Officia qui deserunt nostrud ipsum consequat labore duis
Laboris exercitation anim amet deserunt ex in magna
Ea minim laborum deserunt labore irure occaecat
up to 300k


Visit Apply for more information.