The Otter Tail Corporation Foundation supports community development, education, and health initiatives, primarily in areas where Otter Tail Corporation operates, fostering local betterment.
Type of Support
Health & Human Services – Initiatives and programs that help individuals and families struggling to meet the challenges of everyday living, including hunger, poverty, domestic violence, homelessness and disabilities.
Community, Civic and Cultural Development _– _Programs and projects that focus on economic and cultural development at the local, regional or statewide level, including efforts that increase awareness of culture and the arts and encourage their growth, particularly for regions or populations that would otherwise be unable to participate.
Education - Early childhood education initiatives and programs that primarily support schools of higher learning with special interest in curricula and capital improvements in the study of business, political science, economics, engineering and natural/physical sciences as they relate to the energy and industrial industries.
Environment - Programs that emphasize sustainability, preservation, environmental education and stewardship of our communities’ land, water and air with an emphasis on collaborative programs that strengthen ties between businesses and communities.
Organization's Location
cupidatat ea
Program Location
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Organization Type
Eiusmod labore
Elit velit et quis
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Quis adipisicing
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