Pachel Foundation Grant

The Pachel Foundation, established by Fern Pachel with the Biga family's support in 2007, aims to honor the legacy of Fern and her sister Elsie by using the proceeds from successful stock market investments since the 1950s to support various nonprofits across Minnesota and northwestern Wisconsin.

Type of Support


The Pachel Foundation's grant program focuses on leveraging the interest income from its investment portfolio to fund nonprofit organizations within Minnesota and northwestern Wisconsin. The grants aim to support a broad range of causes and initiatives that align with the foundation's commitment to giving back to the community, reflecting the philanthropic spirit and financial savvy of Fern Pachel and her sister Elsie. Specific causes or project types are not mentioned, suggesting a wide-ranging interest in various nonprofit activities and efforts within the specified geographic areas.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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not specified


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