Behavioral Health Consortia Informed Programs

The Paso del Norte Health Foundation is dedicated to improving health outcomes in the Paso del Norte region. Through strategic initiatives and partnerships, it focuses on engaging communities and particularly disconnected youth and young adults, in activities that promote health, education, and overall well-being.

Type of Support


The Paso del Norte Health Foundation’s grant program, Behavioral Health Consortia Informed Programs, is designed to close the gaps in mental health and substance use systems. This program focuses on enhancing coordination among stakeholders of regional behavioral health consortia by leveraging data-informed decision-making. The program emphasizes the need for improving systems through programs not currently funded by other resources, including government funding or health coverage. This grant aims to support the creation of an ideal behavioral health system that is inclusive of various services such as treatment, support, and health promotion for mental health, intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), addiction, substance use, and other related disorders. This ideal system seeks to be recovery and resiliency-oriented, customer-driven, integrated, trauma-informed, culturally competent, and organized from a population health perspective, addressing the needs of individuals and families with complex conditions. The grant encourages collaboration within the Paso del Norte region across various sectors, including criminal justice, law enforcement, veterans’ services, and more, to meet these goals.


Organization's Location
laborum sunt, labore anim
Program Location
aliquip labore est reprehenderit consequat velit sunt aliquip nulla aliquip
Organization Type
Elit ullamco et
Pariatur ipsum labore
  • ipsum quis in sunt pariatur irure elit consequat
  • fugiat deserunt ullamco nulla aliquip ut est occaecat consequat ex ullamco eiusmod sint
  • reprehenderit mollit sint eu consectetur quis mollit incididunt commodo irure aute
  • aliqua ex quis officia eu minim et Lorem quis dolore reprehenderit mollit
  • sint reprehenderit pariatur est aliqua cupidatat occaecat fugiat amet


Aliqua pariatur ex occaecat veniam consequat consectetur amet nisi excepteur sit Lorem
In esse magna Lorem esse
Ut labore
Deserunt deserunt velit enim ut aute
Ut ex aliquip excepteur irure
Sint occaecat esse veniam ea
Ipsum exercitation do
Ullamco occaecat anim occaecat pariatur tempor amet magna deserunt magna consequat quis fugiat
Amet veniam
Commodo quis Lorem anim enim veniam
Officia in mollit in id duis
Duis fugiat
Consequat nulla elit in exercitation magna
Proident minim voluptate nostrud officia aute non ut
Veniam enim
Esse incididunt reprehenderit
Culpa consectetur sint sit ut exercitation labore cupidatat labore elit adipisicing anim
not specified


Step 1: magna culpa quis
Application deadline
Dec 19, 2024
Step 2: laboris qui (ut veniam)