The mission of the funder, although not explicitly detailed in the provided information, centers on enhancing healthcare decision-making through the dissemination and implementation of patient-centered outcomes research findings. The goal is to inform patients, clinicians, and other stakeholders in healthcare about research outcomes to improve healthcare practices, policy, and individual health decisions.
Type of Support
The Engagement Award: Dissemination Initiative aims to support projects that actively disseminate PCORI-funded research findings to specific audiences such as patients, clinicians, communities, and other healthcare stakeholders. The goal is to spread awareness and increase knowledge of these findings in a manner that garners attention and interest, ultimately encouraging their use in healthcare decision-making. Projects should focus on spreading information to end users, possibly through intermediaries like clinicians or employers. These dissemination efforts are intended to promote the uptake and implementation of research findings in healthcare decisions, practices, and policies. The program offers up to $300,000 for projects lasting up to two years.
Organization's Location
ad anim
Program Location
Organization Type
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