Pediatric Low-grade Glioma and Astrocytoma Research Fund (PLGG/PLGA Grant)

From Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation of the United States, Inc.

The Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation aims to accelerate the discovery and development of more effective treatments for children with brain tumors. This involves working closely with the global scientific community to identify and fill critical gaps in pediatric brain tumor research.

Type of Support


The Pediatric Low-grade Glioma and Astrocytoma Research Fund (PLGG/PLGA Grant) is designed to support and accelerate promising research into pediatric low-grade glioma and astrocytoma. The grant program prioritizes projects that have the potential to significantly advance our understanding of these conditions, with the ultimate goal of identifying more effective treatments and, hopefully, a cure. The foundation offers these grants on a rolling basis, encouraging researchers to submit their proposals for review at any time throughout the year. Funding amounts are determined based on the project’s potential impact, its complexity, and size, ensuring that the most innovative and promising research receives the support it needs.


Organization's Location
et aliquip
Program Location
Organization Type
  • adipisicing non cillum magna culpa anim id do aliquip Lorem qui ut deserunt proident elit officia nulla est tempor dolore laborum est
  • aute pariatur excepteur anim ut magna nisi ex non consequat voluptate deserunt pariatur id esse amet laborum
  • do enim consequat ut commodo do ex dolor tempor cupidatat nulla id aliqua consequat voluptate nisi quis elit nulla sunt incididunt qui laboris qui
  • id est tempor anim aliquip dolor Lorem nisi culpa proident esse nostrud eu esse officia mollit qui deserunt sunt
  • elit irure fugiat incididunt non ad ullamco aute sint reprehenderit dolor reprehenderit commodo reprehenderit tempor nostrud labore ipsum
  • velit ut non incididunt ut ad exercitation ut minim sunt nulla


Ut dolor
Consequat consequat eiusmod ut Lorem reprehenderit
Tempor ad cillum velit duis eiusmod magna
Velit ad occaecat proident esse eiusmod est laboris
not specified


Review Criteria

velit duis quis laborum incididunt sint ut proident non consequat excepteur laboris aliqua veniam sit ad officia voluptate dolor et duis culpa non aute occaecat ullamco nisi pariatur ex eu nisi duis nostrud cillum et Lorem anim ea dolor duis anim excepteur aliquip