Dog Field Trips/Short-Term Fostering Grant

    From Petfinder Foundation

    The Petfinder Foundation aims to support organizations in saving the lives of pets in need, having provided over $25 million in cash and product grants toward this mission.

    Type of Support


    The Dog Field Trip/Short-Term Fostering Grant provides funding for supplies needed by organizations’ short-term foster or dog field-trip programs. Eligible supplies include collars, leashes, harnesses, gentle leaders, collapsible or portable water/food bowls, potty bags, and “Adopt Me” vests among others. To qualify for this grant, recipients must have completed the Maddie's Fund Field Trip and Sleepover Foster Apprenticeship online course or a 3- to 5-day hands-on training. This program supports the enhancement of dogs' visibility and adoption opportunities through short-term fostering and field trips.


    Organization's Location
    amet aliquip, consectetur irure
    Program Location
    et commodo incididunt
    Organization Type
    Consequat in
    • consequat dolor consequat aute non deserunt aute laborum amet eiusmod nostrud adipisicing aliquip duis qui enim cupidatat nostrud
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    • nulla id culpa fugiat cupidatat aliquip excepteur
    up to 1K


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