Classroom Grant Program

From Pets in the Classroom

The mission of the Pet Care Trust is to promote the benefits of pet ownership and animal interactions, focusing on the positive impacts these can have on human lives, particularly for children. Through its initiatives, including the Pets in the Classroom program, it aims to provide opportunities for children to interact with pets, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation for animals.

Type of Support


The Classroom Grant Program, supported by Pets in the Classroom, is designed to aid teachers in obtaining and maintaining small animals within the classroom setting. This initiative seeks to enable direct interactions between children and pets, enriching the educational experience by integrating animal care and responsibility into the curriculum. The grant program underscores the importance of making informed choices about classroom pets to ensure compatibility with student needs and school regulations, encouraging student involvement in the selection process to enhance engagement and promote collective responsibility. Furthermore, the grant enforces a one-time application rule for initial support, followed by the availability of sustaining grants in subsequent years, to ensure ongoing commitment to the welfare of the classroom pet and the educational objectives of the program.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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