Independent Medical Education Grant - Annual Meetings

From Pfizer, Inc.

The funder's mission is to improve outcomes for patients with advanced prostate cancer and to advance research, innovation, clinical expertise, and education for healthcare professionals in Latin America.

Type of Support


The Independent Medical Education Grant RFP by Pfizer focuses on supporting live national and regional conferences and congresses through funding. These grants are for activities that align with Pfizer’s primary areas of interest and contribute to the exchange of new clinical and scientific information. The activities should be capable of attracting an international, national, regional, or local audience and should be an established part of the organization’s ongoing educational program or, if new, based on an assessment of the educational needs of the target audience. Grant amounts requested should be $50,000 or less for Annual Meetings targeting a national/international audience and $25,000 or less for meetings with a regional/local target audience.


Organization's Location
proident nostrud
Program Location
Organization Type
up to 50k


Visit Apply for more information.