Project Apis m. Funding

From Project Apis m. (PAm)

Project Apis m.'s mission is to fund and direct research to enhance the health and vitality of honey bee colonies while improving crop production.

Type of Support


The grant program by Project Apis m. focuses on funding research proposals that are dedicated to solving problems facing the beekeeping industry, enhancing bee health, nutrition, productivity, and crop pollination. It looks for projects that have the potential to produce practical, usable results for the beekeeping industry. Specifically, it supports proposals that include unique strategies, sustainable solutions, or establish knowledge leading to long-term sustainable solutions. The evaluation criteria for funding decisions include focus on industry-related problems, relevance to bee health, likelihood of obtaining practical results, project strengths, use of adequate experimental approaches, risk identification and solutions, project feasibility, and the credibility and track record of the principal investigators. Proposals must be scientifically sound and meet the specific criteria outlined in the Request for Proposals, emphasizing the importance of communication of findings to commercial beekeepers and the economical use of funds.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Preferred locations: Canada, USA, All eligible locations: Global
Organization Type
Research institutions
Agricultural extension
  • Primarily located in the USA and Canada
  • International applications considered with the expectation of benefitting agriculture and bees in the USA and Canada
  • Proposals should focus on scientific methods, proper controls, and reproducible results
  • Proposals must be clear, have practical implications, and lend themselves to statistical interpretation
5k – 200k


Visit Apply for more information.