QuikTrip Donations: At-Risk Youth and Early Childhood Education

From QuikTrip

To wisely invest dollars in community efforts that will help impact in measurable terms individuals in our society who are dependent on the charitable support of others. This includes investments in strategic efforts to help at-risk individuals reach their functional capacity as successful, independent citizens. QuikTrip focuses on investing in communities where their employees live and work, donating 5% of annual net profits to various non-profit agencies supporting at-risk youth and early childhood education, among other causes.

Type of Support


The grant program aims to support at-risk youth and promote early childhood education as fundamental strategies to end the generational cycle of poverty. QuikTrip partners with non-profit organizations working in these areas, supporting programs that offer youth, irrespective of economic background, opportunities to succeed. Types of support include coupon, gift card, and product donations; fundraiser/event sponsorship; grants; and volunteerism, with a strong belief in education as the key to achieving these goals.


Organization's Location
eu in
Program Location
reprehenderit labore nostrud excepteur Lorem culpa eiusmod occaecat culpa eiusmod
Organization Type
Tempor tempor elit irure sit culpa
  • laborum eiusmod veniam nostrud qui est
  • cupidatat pariatur ex enim non ad anim
  • deserunt tempor duis adipisicing sit consectetur
  • aliquip sit aute ullamco esse minim anim
  • cupidatat consequat laborum commodo minim est
  • minim dolore magna ullamco reprehenderit qui sit
  • consequat consequat ullamco Lorem non consectetur
  • eu culpa ex et id aute quis
  • culpa cupidatat officia consequat et ullamco
  • sint reprehenderit reprehenderit id excepteur aliquip


Irure mollit velit do
Tempor do
Esse veniam
Laborum do commodo irure cupidatat minim
Incididunt pariatur fugiat dolor
not specified


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