Reinberger Foundation: Education Grants

    Our mission is to help underserved individuals move toward self-sufficiency as well as to provide opportunities for enrichment in the communities we serve.

    Type of Support


    The grant program prioritizes organizations previously supported within the last 5 years, suggesting a partnership-based approach to funding. Emphasis is placed on a pre-application conversation for new applicants, indicating a tailored and potentially strategic engagement with grantees. The program focuses on education, specifically aiming to support schools and programs for low-income, school-age populations, adult education/literacy, and workforce development initiatives. The guideline that organizations are generally limited to one grant per calendar year suggests a broad approach to support within the community, potentially to maximize impact and reach across the service area.


    Organization's Location
    irure mollit
    Program Location
    cillum incididunt cillum et ex anim est commodo reprehenderit est
    Organization Type
    Reprehenderit est
    Magna veniam ea labore nulla laboris
    Voluptate eiusmod amet quis id
    Amet amet irure et tempor

    ullamco qui est nulla in sint culpa deserunt deserunt consequat ut esse do sint esse consectetur mollit irure ipsum aliquip mollit ex cupidatat et enim dolore est excepteur dolore cupidatat aute non occaecat exercitation consectetur reprehenderit id enim culpa sit commodo incididunt magna minim id fugiat do

    not specified


    Step 1: enim mollit velit
    Application deadline
    Mar 14, 2025
    Step 2: duis irure (magna dolore)
    Review Criteria
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