Reynolds and Reynolds Associate Foundation Grant

From Reynolds And Reynolds Employee Foundation

The Reynolds and Reynolds Associate Foundation, established in 1956 by Dayton employees, aims to support local charities across eight counties surrounding Dayton (Montgomery, Greene, Warren, Butler, Preble, Darke, Miami, and Clark). As the longest-standing associate-run charitable foundation in the U.S., it is managed by an all-associate board of trustees who review grant requests, disburse funds based on associate feedback, and organize volunteer activities.

Type of Support


The grant program of The Reynolds and Reynolds Associate Foundation focuses on extending financial support to a wide range of programs and initiatives. The broad goals of the grant include supporting health and human services, at-risk youth, hunger, issues of the elderly, homelessness, literacy, life-threatening illness, animal welfare and shelters, and veterans organizations. Their approach to philanthropy emphasizes local community support and involves direct input from associates in funding decisions.


Organization's Location
Program Location
OH (Butler County, Clark County, Darke County, Greene County, Miami County, Montgomery County, Preble County, Warren County)
Organization Type
Organizations with IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status
  • Organizations may only receive one grant every 12 months


Organizations without IRS tax exemption 501(c)(3) status
Individual primary or secondary schools
Sectarian organizations having a predominantly religious purpose
Political parties, offices, or candidates
Fraternal or veteran’s organizations
Organizations who cannot provide adequate accounting records or procedures
Tax-supported universities and colleges for operating purposes
Funding for deficits or debt retirement
Courtesy advertising
Fundraising events
Capital Campaigns
not specified


Review Criteria

Preference is extended to organizations that involve Reynolds associates.

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