RAI Biological Anthropology Small Grant Scheme

From Royal Anthropological Institute

The Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland (RAI) is dedicated to the advancement of anthropology in its broadest and most inclusive sense. As the world's longest-established scholarly association in this field, it functions as a non-profit, independent charity with a commitment to fostering research and education in anthropology. Governed by an annually elected Council and supported by a Royal Patron, HRH The Duke of Gloucester, the RAI aims to promote the study of humankind globally.

Type of Support


The Royal Anthropological Institute's grant program is aimed at supporting research within the field of biological anthropology. Each year, Trustees allocate awards with a maximum value of £1500 to promote and assist in the advancement of research efforts in this specific domain of anthropology.


Organization's Location
aliquip ea
Program Location
Organization Type
Laboris amet commodo mollit dolor deserunt eiusmod mollit quis
In aute aliquip consectetur excepteur cillum magna labore nostrud excepteur duis fugiat laborum
  • mollit dolore veniam quis aliqua in amet Lorem veniam sint eiusmod aliquip officia dolor duis aute aliqua dolore deserunt nisi
  • culpa ea ad do sit sint exercitation eiusmod laboris ad amet qui proident do irure id in enim cupidatat non


Lorem dolor elit
Id incididunt et consectetur
Ad eiusmod
Deserunt ea
Pariatur non magna magna velit
Tempor officia pariatur
up to 1.5k


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Review Criteria