The Rufford Foundation is a UK registered charity focused on funding nature conservation projects throughout the developing world. It has awarded grants to over 4000 projects in 156 countries, demonstrating its commitment to the preservation of biodiversity and supporting sustainable conservation efforts globally.
The Rufford Foundation's grant program is designed as a staged funding process to support nature conservation projects across the developing world. The program consists of five different types of grants, intended to assist projects at various stages of development. These grants are:
Each stage requires rigorous reporting, including updates throughout the year and a final report upon completion, to be published on a dedicated webpage. After receiving a Completion Grant, applicants are expected to transition to support from larger-scale funders, as further applications for funding to the Rufford Foundation are not allowed. The program encourages long-term sustainability, co-funding, and the development of conservation projects that can demonstrate clear, beneficial impacts on their focus areas.
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