The Management Improvement Fund, a special fund of the Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation, aims to support nonprofits in the Twin Cities East Metro area by providing grants for consultation and technical assistance. This effort is designed to expand organizational capacity, enhance management capabilities, and nurture BIPOC leadership within the nonprofit sector. Through these grants, the Foundation seeks to address the various needs and strengths of BIPOC and low-income communities, reflecting a commitment to flexibility, responsiveness, and improved conditions within these communities.
The Building Community Capacity grants by The Saint Paul Foundation aim to support community-identified priorities in Dakota, Ramsey, and Washington counties, reflecting a commitment to areas critical for community vitality. These areas include Community Connectedness, Economic Opportunity and Security, Education, Health, Housing and Transportation, and Human Services and Family Support. The grants offer general operating support, program-specific funding, and capital support to nonprofits that serve the east metro area, helping them cover a wide range of operational, programmatic, and capital expenses such as renovations, technology, and equipment, with the goal of fostering a vibrant, equitable, and connected community.
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