SCCF Grants

From Sanilac County Community Foundation

The Sanilac County Community Foundation aims to enhance community wellness and quality of life through endowed philanthropy, encouraging community philanthropy, and overseeing the distribution of income for community enhancement and charitable purposes in accordance with donor intentions.

Type of Support


The SCCF Grants support projects across various program areas including Arts and Culture, Community Development, Education, Environmental Issues, Health and Wellness, Recreation, Social Services, Youth Projects, Senior Citizens Projects, and the overall improvement in the Physical, Mental, and Community Values of Sanilac County residents. The foundation is particularly interested in funding innovative projects that offer new solutions to community challenges, including seed money for initiatives poised to meet the evolving needs of the community. The grants come from an assortment of funds within the Foundation's endowment, some of which are earmarked for specific causes as per donor wishes. Grant considerations are made through committees such as the Board Discretionary Grants, focusing on innovative, community-enhancing projects, and the Youth Advisory Council Grants, which are directed towards youth-involved projects funded by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation.


Organization's Location
Program Location
MI (Sanilac County)
Organization Type
Non-profit organizations
Educational institutions
Governmental units or special committees thereof
  • Located in or serving a significant number of persons from Sanilac County
  • Grant requests should have the endorsement of an informal committee made of teachers/administrators and parents and youth
  • Educational grants can be for program or equipment costs
  • Government grants should focus on special non-recurring requests
  • Encourages collaboration among non-profits and governmental units


Religious or sectarian purposes
Legislative or political purposes
Programs or projects normally covered by tax revenues
not specified


Visit Apply for more information.