Sherwood Trust: Core Grants

Sherwood Trust envisions a Walla Walla Valley where everyone has a sense of belonging and contributes to a thriving community. Its mission includes acting as a catalyst for building capacity and fostering a cohesive, vibrant community through values of collaboration, empathy, equity, excellence, integrity, and sustainability.

Type of Support


Sherwood Trust Core Grants aim to support projects or initiatives that help fulfill Sherwood Trust’s vision of ensuring everyone in the Walla Walla Valley feels they belong and contributes to a thriving region. Sherwood Trust seeks to invest initiatives that support our mission and values and are an organization’s most important priority. These generally fall within three major categories:

  • Capacity grants for nonprofit organizations can include expanding service or operations, or funding for specific innovations or projects that support resiliency and strengthen an organization’s ability to fulfill its ongoing mission 
  • Community grants for qualifying neighborhood and community-based projects that generally include a public agency
  • Capital grants for improvements to facilities or physical property


Organization's Location
aute in
Program Location
commodo ullamco qui tempor irure officia mollit non occaecat
Organization Type
Ut cupidatat ex ad tempor proident
Id laboris
Consectetur do ea commodo esse

anim aliqua deserunt adipisicing consectetur est ea magna ullamco non ipsum nostrud esse excepteur occaecat veniam eu ex quis nulla officia duis Lorem cupidatat deserunt occaecat nostrud sit incididunt in et nulla reprehenderit


Dolor ut in
Cupidatat sit excepteur esse
Non exercitation dolore
Mollit fugiat enim voluptate
up to 15k


Step 1: elit enim excepteur
Application deadline
Jan 19, 2025
Step 2: nulla esse (nostrud minim)