M. Scott Myers Award for Applied Research in the Workplace

    From Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Foundation (SIOP)

    The Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) Foundation aims to enhance the well-being of employees and the performance of organizations through the science and application of Industrial/Organizational Psychology.

    Type of Support


    The M. Scott Myers Award for Applied Research in the Workplace recognizes outstanding examples of the application of industrial and organizational psychology in professional settings. This honor is extended to either individual practitioners or teams that have developed and implemented significant projects or produced notable products in the field of I-O psychology, reflecting excellence in workplace application. Eligible projects or products should have been introduced within the last four decades and extend for no more than eight years, across any area related to I-O psychology, such as job analysis, organizational behavior, leadership, and selection, among others. Winners receive a commemorative plaque, a $1,500 cash prize, and the opportunity to serve on the award's subcommittee for three years.


    Organization's Location
    esse incididunt
    Program Location
    Organization Type
    • laboris pariatur nisi id nostrud consectetur reprehenderit ullamco consequat anim
    • reprehenderit nulla do nostrud
    • ex laborum in commodo do aliquip esse
    • ea dolore qui ad dolore irure adipisicing aliqua non ad eiusmod magna
    • exercitation enim consequat irure reprehenderit excepteur voluptate in nisi nostrud cupidatat sit tempor enim esse excepteur laboris consequat pariatur incididunt duis
    • adipisicing ipsum exercitation velit consequat aute aute nisi minim reprehenderit consectetur occaecat ipsum aliqua reprehenderit
    • proident eiusmod nostrud minim quis tempor magna irure adipisicing excepteur do nisi consequat


    Visit Apply for more information.