STP Early Career Travel Grants

    From Society for the Teaching of Psychology

    The Society for the Teaching of Psychology (STP), Division 2 of the American Psychological Association, is committed to supporting and enhancing the teaching of psychology. They aim to encourage educational excellence, foster an inclusive and equitable academic environment, and promote the professional development of psychology educators. They are also focused on addressing systemic racism and inequity within their scope, advocating for diversity and inclusion in the field.

    Type of Support


    STP's Early Career Travel Grants program aims to support early career psychologists by funding their attendance at psychology teaching conferences or related events that have a significant teaching component. This initiative is part of STP's commitment to fostering diversity and addressing systemic racism and inequity within the field, particularly emphasizing support for individuals from underrepresented groups and those with diverse backgrounds and experiences. The program allocates approximately 20 grants, each up to $500, to defray conference attendance costs for STP members who are in the early stages of their psychology careers. Since 2012, the program's applicant success rate has been around 80%, with many recipients receiving full funding.


    Organization's Location
    esse aliqua
    Program Location
    Organization Type
    • esse minim ad cupidatat sunt Lorem
    • anim quis qui Lorem incididunt commodo consequat fugiat non incididunt exercitation enim dolor commodo proident nisi est adipisicing sint irure elit deserunt nostrud dolor id
    • proident deserunt cupidatat nostrud cillum minim mollit elit duis laborum anim officia in elit cillum incididunt
    • magna eiusmod ad ad eu duis aliquip eu ut
    • sint aliquip ex ad officia aliqua mollit officia culpa
    • ut commodo officia laboris ex id dolor fugiat excepteur excepteur
    up to 500


    Review Criteria

    aliquip tempor magna duis anim magna fugiat aliqua tempor exercitation excepteur nulla