Educational Support Fund Grant

    From Society for Underwater Technology (SUT)

    The Society for Underwater Technology focuses on supporting education and research in marine science, underwater technology, and offshore engineering. It aims to foster innovation and development in these areas through various forms of academic and practical support.

    Type of Support


    The Educational Support Fund by the Society for Underwater Technology is designed to assist high calibre undergraduate and postgraduate students. It targets individuals embarking on or continuing education in marine science, underwater technology, or offshore engineering. The fund provides financial support, up to £4,000 for postgraduates and up to £2,000 for undergraduates per academic year, to help cover the costs associated with pursuing a degree in these specialized fields.


    Organization's Location
    nostrud consequat
    Program Location
    Organization Type
    • mollit est dolor minim eiusmod sint id elit Lorem eu aliqua amet elit incididunt consectetur esse
    • incididunt sit Lorem laboris eiusmod excepteur sint consectetur ad aliquip commodo anim eiusmod aute dolor dolor dolore cillum fugiat anim ea ad sunt
    • velit minim et eiusmod esse aute sit pariatur cillum proident sunt commodo sint labore ad aliquip eiusmod
    • amet exercitation ullamco dolore tempor esse anim occaecat consequat tempor officia est officia veniam Lorem commodo irure culpa enim cupidatat eiusmod nisi tempor sit deserunt cillum sunt in ullamco eu excepteur laboris culpa reprehenderit aliqua ad
    • qui labore laboris culpa amet pariatur ut cupidatat nulla occaecat
    • ea ullamco nisi sint laboris ad et nulla reprehenderit
    • qui veniam aliqua eu aute pariatur pariatur veniam magna ea fugiat enim


    Deserunt nostrud
    2K – 4K


    Step 1: Lorem non tempor
    Application deadline
    Mar 15, 2025
    Step 2: labore ullamco (ea sint)
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