SC Humanities: Council Program Grants

From South Carolina Humanities

SC Humanities aims to enhance the cultural and intellectual lives of all South Carolinians. It focuses on providing high-quality programs that enrich minds, broaden perspectives, foster positive human relationships, encourage good citizenship, and unite the state's diverse populations. SC Humanities, established in 1972 and a 501(c)(3) nonprofit affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities, supports programs that are balanced, open to dialogue, integrity-driven, and ethical.

Type of Support


The Council Grants program by South Carolina Humanities focuses on two main initiatives: the Speakers Bureau: Humanities Out Loud and the Let's Talk About It: Reading and Discussion Program. The Speakers Bureau prioritizes bringing some of South Carolina’s most knowledgeable scholars to various locations to ignite discussions on human values, traditions, and cultures. The Let's Talk About It program, in partnership with the South Carolina State Library, involves a book discussion series on themes varying from women’s autobiography to the significance of South Carolina’s literary heritage, aiming to foster community dialogue and connection through facilitated group discussions. These programs are designed to engage communities across South Carolina in meaningful humanities discussions, encouraging cultural and intellectual enrichment.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
Organization Type
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up to 250


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