Solid Waste Disposal and Recycling Project Funding

From South Dakota Department of Environment and Natural Resources

To protect and preserve agriculture, environment, and natural resources through effective regulatory services, natural resource conservation, and financial and technical assistance.

Type of Support


The grant program focuses on improving and maintaining solid waste disposal and recycling capabilities throughout South Dakota. Through the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, it provides grants and low-interest loans for these endeavors, specifically via the Board of Water and Natural Resources. Funding supports solid waste disposal projects, especially those with groundwater protection features, through the Solid Waste Management program and the Clean Water State Revolving Fund program. Projects involving the construction of a solid waste disposal cell and requesting funding of $500,000 or more may receive funding as a loan and must meet specific criteria, including being part of the State Water Facilities Plan.


Organization's Location
excepteur nulla
Program Location
Organization Type
Magna Lorem culpa
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  • labore incididunt laboris ea elit reprehenderit velit deserunt officia id excepteur laborum Lorem exercitation do deserunt tempor aliquip
  • ut officia amet ex fugiat Lorem velit aliqua ut tempor aliquip amet laboris id ullamco ex deserunt magna commodo quis reprehenderit ex aute pariatur
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Visit Apply for more information.