The Spencer Foundation invests in educational research aimed at improving education with a broad focus on equity. It emphasizes innovative, interdisciplinary, and large-scale projects designed to transform educational systems toward greater equity.
The Racial Equity Research Grants program aims to fund education research projects that address and seek solutions for racial inequality in education. The focus is on studies that understand and interrupt the cycle of educational inequality, envision new equitable education forms, and extend beyond simply documenting the issues. The program supports research across various educational systems, levels, settings, and developmental stages. It looks for ambitious, relevant research employing a range of methodological approaches, including qualitative, mixed-methods, and quantitative. Special emphasis is on (1) innovative measurement and assessment methods, (2) artificial intelligence (AI) integration, and (3) exploring current political challenges in K-12 and higher education around diversity, equity, and inclusion. The grant welcomes field-initiated proposals for projects lasting one to five years with budgets of up to $75,000.