Tourist Development Council Arts, Culture & Heritage Grants

    From St. Johns Cultural Council

    The mission of the St. Johns Cultural Council, in agreement with the St. Johns County Board of County Commissioners and guided by the purposes of the Tourist Development Council (TDC), is to increase the positive economic impacts of local tourism through the support of arts, culture, and heritage programming. This is aimed at encouraging quality tourism opportunities that attract overnight visitors and enhance their experiences in St. Johns County.

    Type of Support


    The St. Johns County Tourist Development Council Arts, Culture, and Heritage Grants aim to fund nonprofit organizations that attract or enhance the experience of overnight visitors through arts, culture, or heritage programming. The grant supports activities occurring from October 1st through September 30th of the following fiscal year. Eligible nonprofit organizations may request funding proportional to their operating revenues, with different maximum amounts set based on the organization's annual budget. The program is open to nonprofits with a primary mission related to arts, culture, or heritage, whereas for-profit organizations or those not based in St. Johns County face different requirements. Funding can also support out-of-county marketing efforts for special events that have been funded in more than five previous years, with restrictions on budget percentage and maximum funding amount.


    Organization's Location
    minim in
    Program Location
    qui in ut in
    Organization Type
    Aute eiusmod consectetur minim laboris voluptate officia ipsum fugiat commodo
    Veniam exercitation
    Duis anim eiusmod officia
    • do proident officia eiusmod aliqua ipsum ea do commodo adipisicing
    • enim nisi ullamco voluptate duis tempor
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    Reprehenderit in minim tempor magna sint ullamco nisi cillum tempor
    up to 60K


    Visit Apply for more information.