Vehicle Matching Grants for Organizations

From St. Louis City Senior Fund

The St. Louis City Senior Fund aims to make the City of St. Louis an aging-friendly city where older residents can age in place. Established by a voter-supported ballot initiative in November 2016, its mission involves levying and collecting a property tax to fund services for residents aged 60 or older. This initiative supports the vision by providing grants to local nonprofits and government entities, helping older adults continue living in their preferred community setting.

Type of Support


The Senior Fund offers Vehicle Matching Grants specifically designed for organizations that serve St. Louis City residents aged 60 and older. This grant aims to support the purchase of vehicles that are essential for delivering services such as transportation, meal delivery, and home maintenance to older adults. Recognizing the financial challenges organizations face in acquiring new or used vehicles, the Senior Fund provides matching funds typically covering up to 20% of the vehicle cost, with a ceiling of $20,000. Under certain conditions, this matching support can increase to up to 50%, maxing out at $40,000, if the organization demonstrates an urgent need with no alternative funding sources, suffers from a loss of vehicle, or can expand its service capacity significantly with the purchase. The availability of these funds is contingent upon the Senior Fund's budget allocations within the fiscal year.


Organization's Location
Program Location
MO (St. Louis City)
Organization Type
501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations
City of St. Louis government entities
  • Uses a vehicle to provide services to St. Louis City residents aged 60 and older
  • Has vehicle use policies and procedures, including licensing requirements for drivers and insurance coverage
  • Has financial management policies and can provide past financial documentation (e.g., audited financial statements, IRS 990)
  • Funding requests can be for vehicle purchases that are not eligible for 5310 funding, needed before the next 5310 funding round, or needed due to loss of vehicle from accident, theft, or total mechanical failure not caused by negligence
  • Vehicles must be used primarily for transporting St. Louis City residents aged 60 and above or delivery of services to them
  • Vehicles may also transport adults with disabilities younger than 60 or other clients, especially for organizations with Older Americans Act funding for transportation, but primary use must focus on older residents
  • Matching grant must be used within one year of the award decision
  • If applying for Section 5310 funding, an organization can request support indicating funding for local match requirements; should not apply for a Senior Fund grant until notified a vehicle will be delivered soon for the local match payment


Organizations intending to use funds for vehicle repairs, ongoing maintenance, or operation of a vehicle (e.g., driver salaries, gas, insurance)
Those looking to purchase vehicles owned by individuals
Individuals directly
Start-up organizations
Requests for loans
Requests for scholarships
Travel not related to service delivery
Conference expenses
Research projects
Special events
Film or video projects
Nursing homes and assisted living facilities
Land or building purchases
Additions, renovations, or repairs to commercial buildings
up to 40k


Review Criteria

Preference will be prioritized for match requests associated with Section 5310 grants.