Other Charitable Interest Funds

From Sturgis Area Community Foundation

The Sturgis Area Community Foundation is dedicated to serving the charitable needs of the Sturgis area, aiming to enrich the quality of life for all its residents. With a commitment to making a positive, lasting impact, SACF supports a wide array of community needs including arts and culture, community and economic development, education, health, human services, housing, seniors, and youth.

Type of Support


The Sturgis Area Community Foundation (SACF) offers grant programs that support a wide variety of programs and projects across multiple sectors such as arts and culture, community and economic development, education, health, human services, housing, seniors, and youth. Additionally, SACF manages over 100 funds catering to many areas of charitable interest and encourages qualified organizations with needs not covered by existing grant opportunities to contact them for other possible grant options.


Organization's Location
dolore sint
Program Location
ut eu in occaecat
Organization Type
Tempor officia ea nostrud
Excepteur adipisicing
Aliqua aliqua
  • irure ex ex ut est magna id proident dolor incididunt excepteur dolor laboris est
  • pariatur occaecat do sunt ea mollit duis cupidatat do exercitation officia qui


Dolor dolore velit
Occaecat non enim magna amet ad pariatur cupidatat
not specified


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