Texas History Grant Program

    Founded in 1988, The Summerlee Foundation is a mission-driven, proactive organization dedicated to the support of animal protection and the preservation of Texas history. The Foundation makes grants for two specific purposes: to alleviate fear, pain and suffering of animals and to promote animal protection and the prevention of cruelty to animals, and to research, promote and document all facets of Texas History.

    Type of Support


    The Texas History Program supports a wide array of projects across Texas in various disciplines such as archaeology, archives, libraries, media, museums, education, preservation, publications, and scholarly research. The program looks for projects that highlight underrepresented areas and those that demonstrate strong community support, involvement of qualified individuals, and the potential for making a compelling case with or without National Register or Texas Historical Commission status.


    Organization's Location
    Lorem ea
    Program Location
    Organization Type
    Lorem id consectetur ea non mollit
    Elit tempor Lorem reprehenderit cillum excepteur pariatur sint excepteur esse
    Minim velit esse


    Dolor pariatur nisi aliquip ipsum ea
    In proident exercitation elit
    Est ea minim
    Proident Lorem veniam
    Incididunt duis reprehenderit enim et esse tempor minim in irure


    Step 1: deserunt pariatur reprehenderit
    Application deadline
    Mar 11, 2025
    Step 2: dolore cupidatat (aliquip pariatur)
    Contact info
    Jane Doe